Teeth Grinding

Do you ever find yourself grinding your teeth? If so, you may have bruxism. Bruxism refers to the involuntary grinding, gnashing or clenching of teeth. It can happen when you’re awake or during sleep.

Sleep bruxism is acknowledged as a movement disorder that occurs during sleep. People who grind or clench their teeth while asleep are more likely to suffer from other sleep disorders, including sleep apnoea and snoring.

Mild bruxism does not usually require treatment. However, in some people, teeth grinding can happen frequently and is severe enough to cause jaw disorders, headaches, damaged teeth and other problems.

You may have sleep bruxism and don’t know it until complications arise. It’s important to be aware of bruxism signs and symptoms and to seek regular dental care.

At Happy Dentistry, our dentists will check for signs of bruxism during a regular dental check up. If you think you grind your teeth involuntarily, consult our dentists about bruxism treatment in Melbourne or contact us today at 03 9663 3401 or via WeChat to book your appointment.

Causes of Bruxism

Medical professionals do not yet fully understand the precise causes of bruxism. Still, it is widely believed to result from a mix of physical, psychological, and even genetic factors.

Awake bruxism occurs while a person is awake and is often linked to emotions such as stress, anxiety, anger, tension, and frustration. In some cases, it may also be a coping mechanism or habit that develops during periods of intense concentration.

On the other hand, sleep bruxism occurs during sleep and is typically characterised as a chewing activity during the sleeping hours.

Since teeth grinding often happens during sleep, most people are unaware that they do it. Symptoms like a dull headache, sensitive teeth or a sore jaw upon waking up can indicate bruxism.

If you are suffering from teeth grinding, our dentists will help you determine the causes by asking questions about your general dental health, daily routines, sleep habits, and medications.

Are You Suffering from Teeth Grinding?

Clenching and grinding your teeth can cause wear and damage. They can lead to cracks in your teeth and other dental problems. To find out if you have bruxism, our dentists may check for the following:

  • Tenderness in your jaw muscles
  • Noticeable dental abnormalities, such as broken or missing teeth
  • Damaged teeth, jaw bone, and insides of your cheeks
  • Other disorders that can cause pain in the jaw or ears, such as TMJ dysfunction

It is important to consult with our dentists to determine if you have bruxism and to plan a course of action to treat it.

Here are some of the common signs of teeth grinding that you should watch out for:

  • Cracked tooth enamel
  • Abnormal wear and tear on the teeth
  • Broken teeth or broken fillings, crowns, and other dental restorations
  • Strain on the jaw joint
  • Pain and limited movement in the jaw joint
  • Sore or throbbing sensation in the jaw muscles
  • Tooth loss
  • Enlargement of the jaw muscles
  • Sensitive teeth

Call us today and talk to our dentists about teeth grinding or bruxism treatment options.

Dental Procedures to Treat Bruxism

There are many options to treat bruxism should treatment be required. Options include nighguards, physical therapies and medications to relieve the pain in the jaw and prevent more tooth damage. Talk with our dentists to determine which approach and treatments may work best for you.

If you or your child suffers from bruxism, we can suggest ways to preserve or improve your teeth. Here are the standard dental options that help address bruxism:

Splints and Mouthguards

These are designed to keep upper and lower teeth apart to avoid the damage caused by clenching and grinding. They should be custom made by a qualified dental professional to ensure they perfectly fit over your upper or lower teeth.

Dental Correction

In severe cases, tooth wear due to bruxism can lead to sensitivity or the inability to chew properly. Our dentists will work with you to reshape the surfaces of your teeth or add dental crowns to repair any damage.

Muscle Relaxant Injection

In some cases, the jaw muscles can continue to contract and lead to tension and soreness even after the above mentioned treatments are used. When this happens, muscle relaxant injection therapy (MRIT) can help. It is a safe and widely used form of relief for prevalent muscle contractions. By minimising muscle spasms in the jaw, injection therapy could provide comfort and impede teeth grinding.

Are You Looking For a Chinese-Speaking Dentist in Melbourne?

We are proud to communicate effectively in both English and Mandarin at our dental practice in Melbourne. We offer our teeth grinding or bruxism treatment services to international students, families, and anyone looking to improve their dental and oral health across all age brackets.

We Are Here to Help

At Happy Dentistry, we take a patient centred approach in all our services. We will always prioritise your comfort, health, and safety. We will work with you as you decide to improve your dental and oral health.

Happy Dentistry provides high quality, state of the art solutions for teeth grinding or bruxism. Our dentists in Melbourne are continually updated with the latest tools and techniques in the field of dentistry.

Accessible Location

Located on Swanston Street, our dental practice is in the heart of Melbourne CBD. Visit us at our Melbourne dental clinic during our opening hours!

Get quality bruxism treatment to help prevent dental wear and straining the jaw joints. Please book an appointment today, or you can learn more about our Chinese-speaking dentist in Melbourne.
