TMD Treatment

Do you feel pain around your jaw? Are you experiencing limited jaw function and range of motion? Pain in the face or jaw can be troubling and often cause stress and discomfort. These may be signs of TMJ dysfunction. If left untreated, the condition can worsen and affect your daily life.

TMJ disorders typically happen during early adulthood. However, this condition can also occur among children and older people. Most symptoms are mild and may not need treatment.

At Happy Dentistry, our dentists will assess you for signs of TMJ dysfunction. We will use high precision tools and dental x-rays to examine your jaw and teeth. If our dentists suspects you have TMJ problems, we will recommend treatment.

Learn more about our TMD treatment in Melbourne or contact us today at 03 9663 3401 or via WeChat to book your appointment.

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint, also known as the jaw joint. It is the joint connecting the lower jaw to the skull. There is one TMJ on each side of the face and located in front of each ear. These joints allow for movements necessary for speaking, eating and facial expression.

Common Symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction (TMD)

TMD symptoms can vary among individuals. But most patients complain about pain, abnormal jaw movements and even popping noises in the jaw joints.

The most common symptoms to watch out for if you have TMJ dysfunction include the following:

  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, especially when eating
  • Pain in the front of the ear that may extend to the face
  • Difficulty opening or closing the mouth due to locking of the jaw
  • Clicking or grinding noise when opening the mouth or chewing
  • An uncomfortable or uneven bite
  • Headache (particularly in the temples, under the eyes, and at the sides of the lower jaw)
  • Earache
  • Ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus
  • Neck or shoulder pain

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, please don’t hesitate to contact Happy Dentistry today at 03 9663 3401 or via WeChat to book your appointment.

The Many Causes of TMJ Dysfunction (TMD)

TMJ dysfunction can have many causes, but the most common is bruxism or excessive teeth grinding. Bruxism can put tremendous pressure on the TMJ and cause inflammation in the joint. Additionally, the joint alignment may shift through aggressive clenching and cause clicking or popping noises when you open and close your mouth.

Other possible causes include the following:

  • Uneven bite caused damaged or worn teeth
  • Ill-fitted fillings, crowns, or dentures
  • Injury or trauma to the jaw, neck, or head
  • Jaw joint stiffness and inflammation
  • Jaw muscle spasms after a dental procedure
  • Osteoarthritis or other degenerative diseases in the joints
  • Fibromyalgia, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and other diseases
  • Poor head or neck posture
  • Poor sleeping posture

TMD Treatment

At Happy Dentistry, we see many patients who come to us for help with their TMJ dysfunction. There are different treatments for TMD, and our treatments can range from pain management to orthodontic solutions.

It is important to talk to our dentists so they can assess your needs and provide you with tailored treatment.

Some common TMJ Dysfunction treatments include:

Dental Appliances

In many cases, TMJ disorder is not related to the structure of the jaw joints. Instead, it arises from a poor or uneven bite. For such cases, we recommend correcting the problem using dental appliances.

Nightguards (Occlusal Splints)

Nightguards are another option we recommend. Wearing one will protect your lower and upper teeth by effectively preventing any damage that may occur from aggressive teeth grinding.


If an uneven bite causes your TMJ, your dentist will recommend treatments to help your teeth fit together correctly. In addition to wearing dental appliances, orthodontic treatment may involve reducing oversized fillings or crowns or building up short or damaged teeth.

If you have an overbite or underbite, your dentist may recommend orthodontic procedures to bring your jaws properly in line. It can help correct your bite and relieve the pain and pressure on the jaw joints.

Muscle Relaxant Injection

If the jaw muscles continue to contract, it can lead to tension and soreness even if other treatments are used. When this happens, muscle relaxant injection therapy (MRIT) can help. It is a safe and widely used form of relief for prevalent muscle contractions. By minimising muscle spasms in the jaw, injection therapy could soothe pain and discomfort caused by TMJ disorder.

Joint Surgery

Most people recover from TMJ disorder without the need for surgery. However, joint surgery may be recommended if you have a more severe or long lasting case. Please consult with a dentist and you will be referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who performs surgical procedures if required.

Our dentists will discuss the different treatment options to help you make an informed decision.

Are You Looking for a Chinese-Speaking Dentist in Melbourne?

We are proud to communicate effectively in both English and Mandarin at our dental practice in Melbourne. We offer our TMJ treatment services to international students, families, and anyone looking to improve their dental and oral health across all age brackets.

We Are Here to Help

At Happy Dentistry, we take a patient centred approach in all our services. We will always prioritise your comfort, health, and safety. We will work with you to treat your TMJ dysfunction and improve your dental and oral health.

Happy Dentistry provides high quality, state of the art dentistry solutions. Our dentists in Melbourne are continually updated with the latest tools and techniques in the field of dentistry.

Accessible Location

Located on Swanston Street, our dental practice is in the heart of Melbourne CBD. Visit us at our Melbourne dental clinic during our opening hours!

Get quality TMJ treatment to help you attain a pain free and comfortable lifestyle. Please book an appointment today, or you can learn more about our Chinese-speaking dentist in Melbourne.