Teeth Extractions

There are many reasons why you may need to get a tooth extracted. It can be due to excessive decay, infection, or crowding. A simple extraction removes visible teeth, but a more involved procedure may be required for teeth that are impacted, broken, or below the surface.

Some people who are getting braces may also need one or two teeth removed in order to make room as the other teeth shift into position. Additionally, those undergoing chemotherapy or who are due to have an organ transplant procedure may need to have any compromised tooth removed to ensure good oral health.

At Happy Dentistry, our dentists perform quality tooth extractions, which is a relatively quick outpatient procedure. We use local, anaesthesia, combined with sedation to help patients who have anxiety and concerns about pain while undergoing dental treatment.

Consult with our dentists about our tooth extraction procedure in Melbourne or contact us today at 03 9663 3401 or via WeChat to book your appointment.

Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?

We all want to keep our teeth for as long as possible. However, there are certain circumstances that may require removal of one or more teeth. These include:

  • Dental trauma or injury to the tooth, gums, and surrounding bone and soft tissue
  • Irreparable tooth disease, extensive decay, or damage that makes it impossible to save the tooth
  • Dental crowding as a result of crooked or mismatched sizes of the teeth and jaw
  • Severe gum disease
  • Deep infection in a tooth, a broken tooth, and orthodontic reasons
  • Wisdom teeth are often removed if there isn’t enough room for them to grow properly

To know for sure if you need one or more teeth to be extracted, book an appointment with Happy Dentistry today!

Types of Teeth Extraction Procedures

Basically, there are two types of tooth extractions. Our dentists can perform both.

Simple Extraction

Our dentists numbs the area around the affected tooth with a local anaesthetic. You will only feel pressure during the procedure, but no pain. An instrument called an elevator is then used to loosen the impacted tooth before removing it.

Surgical Extraction

This is a more complex procedure that may use a combination of anaesthesia to make the patient calm and relaxed. In some cases, you may be given general anaesthesia or undergo sedation dentistry so that you are more relaxed during the surgery. Our dentists will then make a small incision in your gum. Some bone around your tooth may be removed or cut before the tooth can be extracted.

The type of tooth extraction you need will depend on whether your tooth is visible or impacted. Additionally, the position and the condition of your tooth may also determine the type of extraction that your dentist will perform on you.

Is a Tooth Extraction Procedure Risky?

Infection at the extraction area is rare, but it can happen. To minimise risks, be sure to follow our dentist’s post-operative instructions carefully, including eating only soft foods and avoiding hot drinks and alcohol for at least 24 hours. Brush and floss gently around the extraction site.

If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to give our dentists a call.

What is Dry Socket in Dentistry?

Ideally, when a tooth is removed, you should develop a blood clot in the socket. It’s the hole left behind after a tooth is removed and should mimic the look of a dark-coloured scab.

A dry socket (alveolar osteitis) happens when the blood clot doesn’t form or becomes dislodged after the tooth extraction. Without the clot, the bone and nerves become exposed. For this reason, dry sockets usually look white.

This dental condition can be painful and impede the healing of the affected area. A dry socket is more prevalent with wisdom teeth removal than any other teeth, and it most often occurs in the lower jawbone.

As for symptoms, pain is the most common side effect of a dry socket. It can be severe enough to interfere with everyday activities, especially when the pain extends from the socket to the temple and neck areas, eye, or ear on the same side of the extraction site.

In rare cases, a dry socket can become infected. If this happens, you may experience a foul odour or unpleasant taste in your mouth. Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to fight the infection.

Call Happy Dentistry anytime you develop severe pain that doesn’t go away after tooth extraction.

Teeth Extractions at Happy Dentistry

We only take tooth extractions as a last resort. Our dentists would never extract a tooth if there was a way to save it.

Depending on the extraction procedure, we offer sedation dentistry in addition to standard local anaesthetic to make your experience as comfortable as possible.

After the extraction, you will have one or more missing teeth. The next step would be a dental implant procedure. A dental implant is a screw-like post made of titanium that is surgically inserted into your jaw to replace missing teeth or damaged tooth roots. It acts as an anchor for a prosthesis such as a dental crown or dental bridge.

Need a Consultation with a Chinese-Speaking Dentist in Melbourne?

We are proud to communicate effectively in both English and Mandarin at our dental practice in Melbourne. We offer our tooth extraction services to international students, families, and anyone looking to improve their dental and oral health.

We Are Here to Help

At Happy Dentistry, we take a patient-centred approach in all our services. We will always prioritise your comfort, health, and safety. We will work with you as you decide to improve your dental and oral health to attain a beautiful smile.

Happy Dentistry provides high quality, state of the art solutions. Our dentists in Melbourne are continually updated with the latest tools and techniques in the field of dentistry.

Accessible Location

Located on Swanston Street, our dental practice is in the heart of Melbourne CBD. Visit us at our Melbourne dental clinic during our opening hours!

Get a quality tooth extraction procedure to help you attain and maintain a beautiful smile. Please book an appointment today, or you can learn more about our Chinese-speaking dentist in Melbourne.